TAS in the News

Religion and parental support of young adults
A parent’s religious beliefs affect the amount and type of support they give to young adults, especially if the child is the same religion as their mother.
Many American young men do not want kids
TAS is one of many sources that shows in the last two decades the number of childless men in the US has doubled.
FES and caregiving for older relatives
About 1 in 10 young adults are caregivers for older relatives and researchers think this number will continue to rise, as the US population ages.

October 20, 2022
  ▹ American men are losing interest in fatherhood. www.fastcompany.com
October 17, 2022
  ▹ Sorry ladies — the number of young men who want kids is on the decline. www.nypost.com
October 16, 2022
  ▹ New study identifies an increasing disinterest in fatherhood among childless men in the United States. www.psypost.org
August 4, 2022
  ▹ An increasing disinterest in fatherhood among childless men in the United States: A brief report. www.ifp.nyu.edu
July 8, 2022
  ▹ New study explores link between job losses and the health of young adults during the great recession. www.phys.org
February 2, 2022
  ▹ Adverse Childhood Experiences Linked With Dementia Risk in Older Adults. www.physiciansweekly.com
January 18, 2022
  ▹ Who’s at greatest risk to encounter the criminal legal system in the U.S.? www.penntoday.upenn.edu
December 1, 2021
  ▹ Discrimination Has Pervasive Adverse Links to Mental Health. www.consumer.healthday.com
November 25, 2021
  ▹ Why are young adults having less casual sex? www.myvetcandy.com
November 16, 2021
  ▹ Frequent Discrimination Can Lead to Mental Health Challenges for Young Adults. www.atlantablackstar.com
November 12, 2021
  ▹ Facing Discrimination Increases Risk Of Young Adults Developing Mental Health Issues. www.iflscience.com
November 11, 2021
  ▹ Discrimination Takes Toll on Mental Health of Young Adults: Study. www.news18.com
  ▹ Study connects discrimination to worse mental health, drug use later in life. www.healio.com
  ▹ Young People Who Experience Frequent Discrimination Are More Likely to Have Behavioral and Mental Problems. www.everydayhealth.com
November 9, 2021
  ▹ Frequent discrimination increases risk for mental-health problems in young adults — here’s where they most experience prejudice. www.marketwatch.com
  ▹ New UCLA Study Links Racism Experienced Early in Life With Future Mental Health Issues and Stress. www.diversityinc.com
  ▹ New study shows discrimination can lead to mental health issues. www.ourmidland.com
November 8, 2021
  ▹ A study links facing discrimination at a young age with future mental health issues. www.kuow.org
  ▹ A study links facing discrimination at a young age with future mental health issues. www.wkyufm.org
  ▹ Discrimination increases risk for mental health issues in young adults. www.eurekalert.org
  ▹ Discrimination increases risk of mental health issues in young adults: Study. www.hindustantimes.com
  ▹ Interpersonal discrimination associated with poorer mental health, wellbeing, and substance use in young adults. www.2minutemedicine.com
  ▹ Study finds discrimination increases risk for mental health issues in young adults. www.aninews.in
November 7, 2021
  ▹ Discrimination increases risk for mental health issues in young adults, UCLA-led study finds. www.newsroom.ucla.edu
September 10, 2021
  ▹ College students experiencing food insecurity less likely to graduate. www.thehill.com
September 2, 2021
  ▹ College students who experience food insecurity graduate at half the rate of their peers. www.thecounter.org
September 1, 2021
  ▹ Food insecurity during college years linked to lower graduation rate. www.sciencedaily.com
June 17, 2021
  ▹ What research says about two-parent families keeping kids out of jail and in school. www.deseret.com
March 24, 2021
  ▹ Casual sex was dying out before the pandemic. www.lfpress.com
  ▹ Why casual sex is declining among young adults, according to scientists. www.sports.yahoo.com
March 23, 2021
  ▹ Why are young adults having less casual sex? www.eurekalert.org
March 24, 2020
  ▹ Teen Bullying Harm Can Linger For Years. www.futurity.org
March 23, 2020
  ▹ Teens who are bullied struggle with long-term mental health issues. www.news.umich.edu
January 15, 2020
  ▹ Why single-parent homes don't affect black children as negatively as white kids. www.news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/01/why-single-parent-homes-affect-children-differently/
December 28, 2019
  ▹ Esther Cepeda: Legend of the family dinner. www.journalstar.com/opinion/columnists/esther-cepeda-legend-of-the-family-dinner/article_4b9654ca-eb3d-5da7-abc7-ae0f06679f73.html
December 9, 2019
  ▹ The Myth of the Two-Parent Home. www.nytimes.com
November 17, 2018
  ▹ The Long-Term Cost When Graduates Move Back Home. www.nytimes.com
May 11, 2018
  ▹ Does Parental Support Help Or Hinder Children's Career Success? www.tun.com
May 7, 2018
  ▹ TREND: Number of college grads moving back home with parents increasing. www.fox5vegas.com
May 6, 2018
  ▹ How helping your adult children financially can end up hurting their career. www.marketwatch.com
May 2, 2018
  ▹ Parental support linked career success of children. www.sciencedaily.com
December 22, 2017
  ▹ Parent in STEM careers guide girls to 'hard science'. http://www.futurity.org
December 21, 2017
  ▹ Parents in STEM fields boost girls' participation in science degrees. www.phys.org
May 10, 2017
  ▹ Black And White Kids Do Equally Well In Subsidized Housing. www.futurity.org
February 9, 2017
  ▹ Parent Trap: A Secret of Many Urban 20-Somethings: Their Parents Help With the Rent. www.nytimes.com
April 28, 2016
  ▹ Why Young Adults with Immigrant Parents Are Doing So Well. www.familystudies.org
July 18, 2014
  ▹ A College Savings Account for Every Child. www.thatlantic.com
October 4, 2013
  ▹ Study: Children Who Save Find Greater Financial Success in Life. www.creditunionsonline.com
September 20, 2013
  ▹ Children with Savings Accounts are Financially Better Off Adults. www.theconversation.com
September 17, 2013
  ▹ Savings Accounts for Children Linked with Later Financial Success. www.phys.org
May 7, 2012
  ▹ Majority of College-age Kids Get Money from Parents to Pay Bills. www.infozine.com
May 3, 2012
  ▹ Majority of College-Age Kids Get Help from Mom and Dad. www.sciencedaily.com
  ▹ Parents Give Helping Hand Unevenly, Play Favorites. www.deseretnews.com
September 28, 2010
  ▹ The Confidence Crisis of the 20-something Son: Why Young Men are Getting Lost Entering the Real World—and What Parents Can do to Help. www.chicagotribune.com
November 20, 2008
  ▹ Mortgage Crisis Affecting College Enrollment Total. www.badgerherald.com
November 19, 2008
  ▹ Falling Home Ownership, Equity, Affect College Enrollment. www.ur.umich.edu
  ▹ Mortgage Meltdown May Impact Colleges. www.upi.com