A Note to Family Economics Study Participants from staff at the University of Michigan
We would like to assure participants that the Family Economics Study (FES) is a legitimate survey that is funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Institutes of Health. Interviews are conducted by professional interviewers from the University of Michigan. The interview asks questions about your employment status, health, and other topics. The information will be used by policy makers and researchers to understand social and economic issues being faced by American families today.

As a study participant, you are part of a scientific sample of people. You represent thousands of other people across the country. Your participation is very important because it will help the study accurately represent people like yourself.

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. Saying yes or no to being in the survey will not change any benefits you get now or in the future. For most people, the survey is interesting and enjoyable. Some of the questions in the interview may be sensitive for some people. You may choose not to answer any question for any reason, and you may stop the interview at any time.

The protection of your confidentiality is of utmost importance to the University of Michigan. To ensure your privacy and confidentiality, your identity and all personally identifying information will be kept confidential and stored securely. The answers you give will be combined with answers from many other people. The data will be reported as percentages, totals, and averages. All personnel and affiliates with access to identifying information must sign a pledge of confidentiality, which prohibits disclosure of information about study participants.

If you have questions about the survey, please call us at the University of Michigan, toll-free, at 1-866-796-5166.

If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, or wish to obtain information, ask questions or discuss any concerns about this study with someone other than us, you can contact the Institutional Review Board in writing: University of Michigan Health Sciences and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review Board, 2800 Plymouth Road, Building 520, Room 1169, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2800; by phone: (734) 936-0933 or toll free, (866) 936-0933 or by email: irbhsbs@umich.edu.

Thank you again for being part of our study!