April 30, 2024 |
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After School Activities May Do Teens More Harm Than Good. https://goodmenproject.com
February 13, 2024 |
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The impact of out-of-school enrichment activities on student skills. www.fordhaminstitute.org
February 5, 2024 |
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Overscheduling kids’ lives causes depression and anxiety, study finds. www.kqed.org
October 5, 2023 |
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2 in 5 US babies benefit from the WIC nutrition program. www.theconversation.com
July 25, 2022 |
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Alcohol use more likely among Black youths at racially segregated schools. www.yahoo.com
April 22, 2022 |
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Segregated Schools Harm Black Children’s Health. www.realhealthmag.com
April 20, 2022 |
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Study: Black students in racially segregated schools more likely to have alcohol and behavioral problems. www.sfchronicle.com
April 18, 2022 |
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School Segregation Tied to Problem Drinking Among Black Youth. www.usnews.com
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School ‘Resegregation’ Associated With Behavioral Issues Among Black Children.www.indianapolisdailynews.com
February 4, 2022 |
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Neighborhood Police Encounters, Health, and Violence in a Southern City. www.healthaffairs.org
June 17, 2021 |
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What research says about two-parent families keeping kids out of jail and in school. www.deseret.com
January 4, 2021 |
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Frequent police stops, parental incarceration and mental health: Results among US non-hispanic black and white adolescent girls and boys. www.mdlinx.com
March 24, 2020 |
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Teen Bullying Harm Can Linger For Years. www.futurity.org
March 23, 2020 |
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Teens who are bullied struggle with long-term mental health issues. www.news.umich.edu
January 24, 2020 |
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Teen Boys And Girls Now Do Equal Amounts of Housework. www.futurity.org
January 15, 2020 |
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Why single-parent homes don't affect black children as negatively as white kids. www.news.harvard.edu
December 28, 2019 |
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Esther Cepeda: Legend of the family dinner. www.journalstar.com
December 9, 2019 |
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The Myth of the Two-Parent Home. www.nytimes.com
September 21, 2019 |
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The Gender Lens: Dear Dad. www.freepressjournal.com
August 1, 2019 |
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2019. Rise and Shine: How school start times affect academic performance. www.educationnext.org
April 25, 2019 |
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WHO: Babies, This Is How Much Screen Time You Should Have. www.forbes.com
April 8, 2019 |
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Spending Time Online, Watching TV Before Bedtime Can Negatively Affect Teen’s Mental Health. www.strangemalady.com
April 5, 2019 |
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Screen time -- even before bed -- has little impact on teen well-being. www.eurekalert.org
February 27, 2019 |
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A Study Shows That Screen Time For Children Under 2 Years Old Has Doubled. www.scoop.market.us
February 21, 2019 |
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Average screen time is rising for children, but mobile devices aren't to blame. https://news.elearninginside.com
February 20, 2019 |
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Screen Time Exposure For Very Young Children Has Doubled Since The Late 90s. www.techtimes.com
February 19, 2019 |
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Glued to Their Phones? Study Says Children Still Watch TV More Than Anything. www.blogs.discovermagazine.com
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Screen Time Has Doubled for Toddlers Since the '90s, Study Finds. www.mommynearest.com
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Screen Time for the Very Young Has Doubled in 20 Years: Study. www.usnews.com
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Screen time for kids under 2 more than doubles, study finds. www.wgntv.com
August 17, 2018 |
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The Costs of Motherhood Are Rising, and Catching Women Off Guard. www.nytimes.com
August 8, 2018 |
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A ‘Generationally Perpetuated’ Pattern: Daughters Do More Chores. www.nytimes.com
July 27, 2018 |
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Parents' Childhood Affects Their Children's Behavioral Health. www.psychiatryadvisor.com
July 19, 2018 |
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Parents' childhood trauma tied to behavior problems in kids. www.reuters.com
July 17, 2018 |
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Parents’ Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Children’s Behavioral Health Problems. www.pediatrics.aappublications.org
July 14, 2018 |
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Parents with severe trauma in childhood more likely to have children with behavioural problems. www.thejournal.ie
July 10, 2018 |
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Behavioural problem of health in children’s lives comes from their parents. www.factsherald.com
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Parents with Severe Childhood Trauma More Likely to Have Kids with Behavior Issues.www.psychcentral.com
July 9, 2018 |
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Parents Who Suffered Severe Trauma Throughout Childhood More Likely To Have Behavioral Problems With Children. www.techtimes.com
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Study: Child Behavioral Issues Linked To Parents With Childhood Trauma. www.sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com
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Trauma suffered in childhood echoes across generations, study finds. www.abcnews.go.com
July 8, 2018 |
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Parents who had severe stresses, trauma in childhood more likely to have kids with behavioral health problems. www.newsroom.ucla.edu
December 22, 2017 |
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Parent in STEM careers guide girls to 'hard science'. http://www.futurity.org
December 21, 2017 |
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Parents in STEM fields boost girls' participation in science degrees. www.phys.org
November 9, 2017 |
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A neighborhood's quality influences children's behaviors through teens, study suggests. www.eurekalert.org
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A neighborhood's quality influences children's behaviors through teens, study suggests. www.sciencedaily.com
October 26, 2017 |
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Kids’ self-perception influences academic achievement. www.jhunewsletter.com
September 20, 2017 |
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Belief in One's Abilities Early in Life Predicts Math, Reading Achievement Later. www.laboratoryequipment.com
September 19, 2017 |
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Belief in success predicts how kids do in math and reading. www.futurity.org
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Students' self-concepts of ability in math, reading predict later math, reading attainment. www.eurekalert.org
February 9, 2017 |
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Parent Trap: A Secret of Many Urban 20-Somethings: Their Parents Help With the Rent. www.nytimes.com
August 14, 2015 |
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What Do You Do When Your Child Brings Home A Bad Report Card? www.phys.org
August 13, 2015 |
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Harsh Punishments Over Report Cards Don’t Help Children, UM Study Suggests. www.clickondetroit.com
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Warmth, Not Punishment, Helps Middle-School Students Learn, U-M Study Says. www.mlive.com
July 27, 2015 |
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Experts Provide Insight on Causes of Child Obesity, Tactics to End It. www.medicalxpress.com
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Insight On Causes Of Child Obesity, Tactics To End It. www.sciencedaily.com
June 20, 2015 |
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Time with the Kids is good for Dads, but so is Providing for The Family. www.fivethirtyeight.com
April 21, 2015 |
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Time With Parents Key for Adolescents. www.prb.org
April 7, 2015 |
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More Time isn’t Always Better for Your Kids. www.washingtonpost.com
April 2, 2015 |
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How Much Time with Mom is Enough? www.mnn.com
April 1, 2015 |
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No Correlation between Time Spent with Mom and Overall Success, Study Says. www.ksl.com
March 31, 2015 |
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Study Has ‘Unexpected’ Findings on How Family Time Affects Kids. www.theblaze.com
March 11, 2015 |
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Kids’ Time with Parents Matters, But Not in the Way You Might Expect. www.ifstudies.org
December 19, 2014 |
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Food for Thought: WIC Works. www.psmag.com
July 18, 2014 |
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A College Savings Account for Every Child. www.thatlantic.com
June 10, 2014 |
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Affordable Housing Helps Optimize Children’s Brainpower. www.scienceworldreport.com
June 9, 2014 |
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Affordable Housing Linked to Children’s Test Scores. www.sciencedaily.com
December 30, 2013 |
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Calculating the Risk: Child Sexual Assault. www.now.uiowa.edu
October 4, 2013 |
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Study: Children Who Save Find Greater Financial Success in Life. www.creditunionsonline.com
September 20, 2013 |
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Children with Savings Accounts are Financially Better Off Adults. www.theconversation.com
September 17, 2013 |
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Savings Accounts for Children Linked with Later Financial Success. www.phys.org
November 29, 2012 |
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Sleep-Deprived Kids? Not so Much, Says 6776-Child Study. www.wired.com
July 2, 2012 |
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Price Tags for Parents. www.economix.blogs.nytimes.com
June 15, 2012 |
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Fractions are the Key to Math Success, New Study Finds. www.news.umic.edu
July 12, 2009 |
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Dad’s Early Connection with Child ‘Writes Script’ for Later School Involvement. www.sciencedaily.com
June 23, 2009 |
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Dad’s Early Involvement with Child Boosts Their Connection in School. www.thefreelibrary.com
September 29, 2008 |
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'Hurried Child' a Myth; Busy Children Thrive, Says Researcher. www.newswise.com
July 29, 2008 |
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Family Type Has Less-Than-Expected Impact on Parental Involvement. www.sciencedaily.com
July 9, 2008 |
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Children's Risk Of Mental Health Problems Higher If Parents Faced Childhood Trauma. www.medicaldaily.com
March 25, 2008 |
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Family Wealth May Explain Differences In Test Score: In School-age Children. www.sciencedaily.com
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Family Wealth Plays Crucial Role in Child’s Cognitive Achievement. www.oneindia.com
March 1, 2008 |
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Father Involvement: NRFC Quick Statistics. www.fatherhood.gov.
February 7, 2007 |
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Sleep May Help Kids Keep Slim. www.consumer.healthday.com
January 23, 2007 |
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Parental Characteristics Among Factors Influencing Family Weekend Activities. www.eurekalert.org
October 14, 2004 |
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Academic Stress Apparently Burdens Few Youths. www.washingtonpost.com
September 28, 2003 |
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For Love and Money. www.washingtonpost.com
June 22, 2003 |
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Role Reversal. www.washingtonpost.com
June 10, 2003 |
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When Dads Clean House, It Pays Off Big Time. www.eurekalert.org